The American Council of Developmental Education Associations (ACDEA) held its first organizational meeting at the February, 1996 conference of the National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) in Little Rock, Arkansas. Dr. Gene Becket (then President of NADE) invited the presidents of other associations attending the conference to meet and discuss establishing a council representing developmental education and learning assistance organizations. The original idea as envisioned by Becket and Jim Melco (then Co-Chair of NADE’s Political Liaison Committee) was to bring organizations together to:
1. Develop a political agenda for learning assistance and developmental education associations,
2. Promote that agenda through political liaison activities,
3. Establish a unified “voice” for the field,
4. Provide a forum for improved communication among the various professional associations in the field,
5. Provide a vehicle for the coordination of association activities, and
6. Promote cooperation among the various professional associations in the field.