Business English 25 lessons per week
Levels: Upper Intermediate - Level B2, Advanced - Level C1, Proficient - Level C2
09:15-12:05: We work with a coursebook during the first three lessons of the day enabling you to improve the four main skills - speaking, listening, reading and writing. To develop your fluency and accuracy - pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, idioms.
12:25-13:15: The final lesson of the morning is devoted to Speaking & Listening which is an extra opportunity for fluency practice.
14:15-16:35, Two afternoons a week: Emphasis is placed on communication tasks.
Oxenford House, 13-15 Magdalen Street, , Oxford, United Kingdom
The below reviews were submited by students who studied at British Study Centres Oxford
Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of
This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.
Individual student reviews about British Study Centres Oxford
Number of classrooms: 17
Average nº of student per classroom: 11
Minimum student age: 16
Level test on first day:
Distance from the airport: km.
Closest airport: Heathrow
Year school opened: 1930
School opening times: 9:00 - 17:30
School close dates: Show
•All 17 spacious classrooms benefit from natural light and some offer the latest advances in learning facilities, such as interactive whiteboards, which make lessons even more fun. The study centre offers a wide range of learning materials, which will help you achieve your goal of becoming fluent in the English language. The computer room is fitted with 20 modern wide
•screen computers and offers free high
•speed internet connection. Laptop users can also enjoy free Wi
•Fi connection.