Score: 100%

Based on 2 student reviews.
"My experience at Dante Alighieri was fantastic. I went to the school to perfect my Italian and left ..."

The below reviews were submited by students who studied at Dante Alighieri Siena

Students tips help you choose the right language school for you. These are opinions of students that reflect their experiences when studying at this school and do not express the opinion of

This way, you get an idea of just how good the school really is.

Score   100%
  Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent  
Facilities 100%
Location 100%
Fun 100%
Teaching 100%

Individual student reviews about Dante Alighieri Siena

Reviews are ordered by language and date. Maximum 25 comments per page

2 reviews
I went to Dante Siena School to improve my Italian for a month. The experience was fantastic and absolutely unforgettable. The professors are excellent and the school atmosphere is inviting and friendly. The lessons are very dynamic and the exchange with people from different parts of the world proves to be really enriching. Siena's a wonderful city that will remain in my heart forever, as it is refined, culturally rich and safe, among other things. The school provided accommodation to all the students, which was very satisfactory and met all the student's expectations! I recommend the experience and personally I hope to come back as soon as possible!

My experience at Dante Alighieri was fantastic. I went to the school to perfect my Italian and left with so much more - amazing friends, great new recipes thanks to the amazing Chef Luisia and saw so many stunning locations around Tuscany on the numerous excursions. The teachers are great! They are knowledgable and make learning Italian fun! The facilities are also good with access to wi fi. The school will also arrange local accommodation. I have returned 3 times to this fantastic school!

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