Distance from school: Km
Schcool accomm. fee: €135.78
Facilities: Air Conditioning, Balcony, Bed linen, Cable TV, Close to local amenities, Cooking facilities, Dishwasher, Garden, Hairdryer, Heating, Internet access, Iron , Keys given on arrival, Kitchen, Kitchenette, Laundry, Microwave, Near the School, Phone , Public transport near, Radio, Refrigerator, Seating Area, Towels, Washing Machine, Wireless (WIFI) Internet, Work Desk
Finding the right place to live plays a very important role in the success of your language studies in Canada. It will be a very enriching experience that will lend itself to your academic life at BLI. BLI understands the importance of feeling at home when you are away from home, and our student accommodation coordinator is ready to help you choose the best possible option, depending on your specific needs and criteria.